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sports and tennis lighting fixtures available in Canada and USA

Direct Indirect Tennis Lighting.

Direct-Indirect  LED Indoor Pickleball-Tennis Lighting

Next Generation LED Tennis Lighting

Direct Indirect versus indirect tennis lighting

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Brite Court Direct-Indirect tennis lighting systems are watt for watt the most efficient and highest performance tennis lighting available anywhere on the planet. With 35%-40% indirect (Uplight) this makes for whole room illumination. In the pictures above and the videos below pay special attention to how well the ceiling, floor and walls are all evenly illuminated. If the entire room is illuminated that means the ball is illuminated throughout its flight, when you can better see the ball, your game is improved.

The American Sports Builders Assoc publishes the Lighting Standards for Tennis, read what the ASBA and USTA suggest about the different indoor tennis lighting options. Click here to read the published ASBA-USTA lighting options and recommendations for indoor courts.

LED Direct/Indirect Preferred For Many Indoor Sports

While our LED Direct/Indirect   system is the #1 choice for indoor tennis lighting and delivering the best possible lighting scene, it is also ideal for other fast action sports. With 35% uplight this system illuminates the ceiling, the floor at all elevations of airspace the ball travels through. Great for basketball, volleyball, natatorium/pools, pickleball and others. Direct/Indirect illumination simply delivers light that enhances players performance and awareness, not to mention creating a safer playing environment.

LED Tiered Direct-Indirect

Single court lighting management of the Direct Indirect Led Lighting

Pictured left: While our LED Direct/Indirect   system is the #1 choice for indoor tennis lighting and delivering the best possible lighting scene, it is also ideal for other fast action sports. With 35% uplight this system illuminates the ceiling, the floor at all elevations of airspace the ball travels through. Great for basketball, volleyball, natatorium/pools, pickleball and others. Direct/Indirect illumination simply delivers light that enhances players performance and awareness, not to mention creating a safer playing environment.  Performance, Reliability, Serviceability

Our Technology


All of Brite Court Sports and Tennis Lighting fixture are designed and engineered specifically for the individual sports application to deliver superior performance while delivering the latest illumination technologies. Direct-Indirect lighting Brite Court Tennis Pickleball Direct Indirect fixture mounting between courtssystems can be designed to deliver light levels from Professional 100+ foot-candles to recreational 40-50 foot-candles. Unlike other so called tennis lighting suppliers who likely offers a one fixture fits all (warehouse/office fixture) solution, with more than 12 different fixture designs exclusively for tennis, we are the only supplier that can offer you a full range of solutions regardless of your lighting needs as well all budget levels. Having designed tennis lighting for 20+ years we are the gold standards for tennis lighting solutions. We are proud to offer American Made LED lighting backed by a 10-year warranty from a 30-year old manufacture.

Above is the video of the new Brite Court LED Direct-Indirect lighting system at the Toronto lawn and tennis Club, previous lighting was twelve 1000w metal halides per court (12,960-watts per court). The new LED direct-Indirect system at 4752 watts per court delivers a savings of 64%. The New LED lighting offers 3 different levels Tournament-Recreational and Vacant. On a daily basis the club runs the lighting at the Recreational level of 3,168 watts per court which is a energy reductions of 76%. Click Here for the before picture with the halides.
Above is a video of the LED Tennis lighting upgrade at Columbia Basin Racquet Club. Their Metal Halide Indirect lighting at 15,120 watts per court only had average light levels of 66 foot-candles. They replaced their indirect lighting with a new Brite Court LED Direct-Indirect system at only 4,752-watts per court resulting in average light levels of 88 footcandles. See Before and After Light Levels Here .  This is a Direct-Indirect lighting system using a  proprietary triple dome lens that distributes  light at 180 degrees illuminating floor to ceiling and wall to wall.

Photo Gallery (Click to enlarge)




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